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18th Dec 2016

This Evertonian’s best Steven Gerrard memory will have every Toffees fan laughing

And fair play to Gerrard for taking it on the chin

Rob Burnett

On one half of Merseyside Steven Gerrard is a hero, a legend, a demi-god.

To Liverpool fans he is the local boy who fulfilled the dream of every Reds supporter in the land by coming through the ranks and going on to captain his home town club to a plethora of trophies including the European Cup.

But to the other half of Merseyside, Gerrard is the embodiment of everything Evertonians hate about Liverpool.

For many years Everton fans had to watch on in envy as Liverpool competed for trophies with a homegrown Scouser at the heart of the side.

But as all football fans know, there is nothing better than watching your hated rival make a complete tit of himself – especially in front of 40-odd thousand people.

Jamie Armstrong – twitter handle @RonaldsBlueArmy – was asked about his favourite memory of Gerrard, and takes up the story of the time the Reds skipper thought Luis Suarez had bagged the winner in a derby match in 2012, only to see it disallowed.

Jamie takes up the story:

Fair play to Gerrard, he confirms the whole story – and BT Sport presenter Jake Humphrey finds the whole thing hilarious.

As Gore Vidal said, “It is not enough to succeed, ones friends must fail…”

Catch up with this week’s episode of Football Friday Live: