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12th Aug 2015

Ronda Rousey’s ex-boyfriend Brendan Shaub isn’t ‘too much man’ for her after all

He's a Rom Com fan...


Remember when Brendan Shaub suggested he was ‘too much man’ for ex-girlfriend Ronda Rousey?

The UFC heavyweight said that old flame Rousey, who is the undefeated bantamweight champion, needed a bloke who would take a backseat and tell her “Yes ma’am, yes ma’am…”

Now the former pro-American footballer has backtracked on those sentiments on his latest podcast.

The original comments conjured up images of uber-manly Shaub, stripped to the waist, axing down trees while downing a beer…but actually he prefers curling up with a good rom com and a nice cuppa.

Speaking about those quotes, he said: “I’m a huge Ronda Rousey supporter. I love that girl.

“I’ll defend her to the death. I always do. Too much man? I would never say that.

“I’m a guy who watches romantic comedies, I like pop culture. I read some books, I drink coffee. I’m not that manly.”

Whatever you’re into, mate.

H/T Bloody Elbow