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31st Mar 2015

Blind darts player investigated for fraud for being too good

Is it just us or is this grossly unfair?

Conor Heneghan

Is it just us or is this grossly unfair?

A blind man is being investigated for fraud after putting in a star performance at a recent charity event. Yes, you read that right.

50-year old Robert Boon from Devon recently organised a ten-hour marathon darts event to raise funds so he could buy himself a pair of guide dogs.

Having organised the event, Robert then stole the show, scoring a whopping 61,000 points while standing on his own and playing for ten hours, during which time he even managed a 180.

Shortly afterwards, he was contacted by the Department for Work and Pensions and asked to attend a meeting to assess his eligibility to claim benefits, having been reported by a member of the public who claimed that a blind man could not possibly be that good at darts.

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Robert said: “I got a letter saying I had to attend a meeting. I felt humiliated because I don’t think it is right to report me when I have tried to do something good.

“I rang the hospital to get my medical records on my eye condition. I don’t see why people should put me down.I feel really intimidated now.

“I am registered blond and can’t see virtually anything out of one eye and shadows in the other.

“To be fair when I spoke to the DWP they said they would not be taking the benefits away. I have other things lined up now including a comedy night and don’t intend to stop.”

Investigating a visually-impaired man for being good at darts? Talk about the blind leading the blind.

