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Fitness & Health

31st Mar 2015

Popeye knew it all along – spinach boosts brains as well as brawn

That brawny old seadog was spot on...

Ben Kenyon

We all wanted guns like Popeye when we were younger.

He’d nail a can of spinach and then give Bluto a sound pummeling with those massive biceps.

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TV gold. Anyway, it turns out that those power-packed leafy greens are not just good for boosting your muscle strength.

Researchers have shown that eating 1-2 portions of spinach (or kale if you’re really green) can help your brain function better.

The study found that people who ate their greens experienced significantly less cognitive decline than those who didn’t.

It must be all those vitamins and nutrients including vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta-carotene.

Amazingly, researched shows that it helped keep the brain 11 years younger (which probably explains why I am still fixated with Lego and Power Rangers).

No wonder Bluto never got one over on old Popeye.

Okkult Motion Pictures animated GIF