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14th Aug 2015

Jose Mourinho says Eva Carneiro may return to Chelsea bench…


Jose Mourinho says Chelsea doctor Eva Carneiro may return to the Blues’ bench later in the season despite beingĀ told not to attendĀ Sunday’s match with Manchester City.

Mourinho has addressed the situation surrounding Carneiro and physio Jon Fearn for the first time since the duo were reportedly told they can no longer attend matches or training sessions.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Mourinho said: “Jon Fearn and Dr Carneiro will not be on the bench on Sunday but that doesn’t mean they cannot be in the future.

“First of all, I want to say I have a fantastic medical department, with a top doctor, more than a dozen professionals (and a) very good relation with them.

“As they tell me all the time, they were never praised so much as in the last few years. I praise them lots of times. They don’t forget that, I don’t.

“We have disagreements during this period, we need disagreements to improve. We work together.”

“Dr Fearn and Dr Carneiro will not be on the bench, but that doesn’t mean for the rest of the season.

“My decision (this weekend) does not mean they won’t be on the bench in the future.”

Mourinho also defended his outburst on the touchline after video footage of him screaming at Carneiro emerged online.

“The game is emotional..,football is football,” he said. “Everything after the match can be different, especially after the meeting I had with my medical department yesterday.”