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30th Jan 2017

This West Ham fan had an ingenious way of getting round the Payet shirt dilemma

All it took was a little ingenuity.

Rich Cooper

It wouldn’t be football without a healthy dose of farce.

After he was hailed as the messiah, then after a fairly disastrous streak that demonstrated that he was not, Dimitri Payet decided his heart did not lie at West Ham.

Just recently a deal worth £25m was struck with Marseille to allow Payet leave the Irons. Co-chairman David Sulliman said in a statement that the club was disappointed Payet “did not show the same commitment and respect to West Ham United that the club and fans showed him, particularly when it rewarded him with a lucrative new five-and-a-half-year deal only last year.”

This left West Ham fans who had invested in shirts bearing the Frenchman’s name wondering what they were supposed to do with them. Vice-chair Karren Brady helpfully announced that fans could bring their Payet shirts in and, for an extra £25, get a replacement.



But as some fans pointed out, thanks to a recent drop in prices, that would save jilted Hammers fans a whopping £11.66. But what if that’s simply not good enough? What if you don’t want to swap your shirt? What if you want to make a statement?

One fan did just that, by simply crossing Payet’s name and number out, replacing him with defender Winston Reid.



Powerful. Economical. And when you’re being charged £25 for a new shirt which by rights you shouldn’t have to pay for, quite sensible.


Feature: Clive Rose / Bryn Lennon / Getty