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15th Aug 2015

UFC fighters get their arses kicked by the US Marines (Video)

We didn't expect this...

Ben Kenyon

The men of the US Marine Corps are some of the toughest on the planet – but so are UFC fighters.

If you’ve ever wondered what would happen when the two came up against each other in a combat situation then you’re about to find out.

UFC pros Marcus Davis, Gonzaga, Forrest Griffin (former Marine) Brian Stann and the organisation’s president Dana White went to Virginia’s Marine Corps ‘Martial Arts Center of Excellence’ to see these badasses in action.

Unlike in the Octagon where there’s no ball shots, eye gouging or head butts, the rules of engagement here were ‘anything goes’ – that included weapons.

But the fighters took a hell of a beating. Those Marines really didn’t take any prisoners.

We’re now wondering what it would be like one-on-one in the cage…

H/T WeAreTheMighty 

