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10th Apr 2017

WATCH: CCTV footage shows Ross Barkley being sucker-punched in Liverpool bar

It appears to be an unprovoked attack.


This poor quality video footage is spreading on social media like wildfire.

It shows what looks like a sudden and unprovoked assault in a busy bar area, seemingly on Sunday April 11, and the reason why it is spreading with such fervour is because the victim of the attack is Everton footballer Ross Barkley.

The footage shows what looks like a relatively calm discussion turn violent as one individual appears to sucker-punch Barkley, hitting him twice before the midfielder falls and is dragged away.

Though there has been no official statement from the player or Everton, it is understood that it is definitely Barkley on the receiving end of the punches.

It’s certainly a brutal and chilling attack. Let’s hope he is OK.