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26th Aug 2015

Ronda Rousey rips into Floyd Mayweather

She doesn't hold back...


So you thought it was over?

The final bell on the verbal sparring between Ronda Rousey and Floyd Mayweather looked like it had been rung when the 49-0 boxer said “I wish her nothing but the best.”

But, not one to let bygones be bygones, Rousey has returned for more.

“[Floyd] said ‘You make $300 million a night, then you can give me a call’ … and I actually did the math and given the numbers of my last fight, I’m actually the highest paid UFC fighter and I’m a woman.

“I think I actually make 2-3 times more than he does per second,” she continued.

“So when he learns to read and write, he can text me.”

Mayweather’s ability to read was brought into question by rapper 50 Cent who offered a charitable to the boxer last year.

50 Cent said: “Floyd will you accept my ALS/ESL challenge: I will donate $750k to a charity of your choice, If you can read a full page out of a Harry Potter book out loud without starting and stopping.”

Move over Miesha Tate, Ronda Rousey has a new fiercest rival.

H/T to TMZSports