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01st Jun 2017

Sean Spicer claims he knows “exactly” what Donald Trump meant with ‘covfefe’ tweet

The covfefe saga rumbles on

Conor Heneghan

He didn’t see fit to enlighten the rest of us, mind.

On Wednesday a word that, to our knowledge at least, had not previously been in existence, was suddenly the word on everyone’s lips, thanks to President Donald Trump.

Late on Tuesday night, Trump posted a tweet that read simply, ‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe’, a tweet that remained on his account for hours afterwards and prompted a raft of speculation about the true meaning of ‘covfefe’ as well as a slew of quite glorious Internet memes.

People soon came to the assumption that Trump meant to write ‘Despite the negative press coverage’ and posted the message in error and he was even able to seemingly laugh at himself when getting in on the act a few hours later.

If laughing it off as a mistake was decided upon as the official line the White House should take on the matter, then Press Secretary Sean Spicer clearly didn’t get the memo.

Only adding to what was already quite a confusing episode, Spicer responded to inquiries from reporters about Trump’s tweet by saying that he and “a small group of people knew exactly what he meant” before refusing to offer any elaboration on what exactly Trump might have been talking about.

With his reaction, Spicer added another layer of intrigue to an episode that would likely have been forgotten about completely in a day or two; maybe ‘covfefe’ wasn’t just a simple typo after all…

Something tells us Melissa McCarthy is going to get a great SNL sketch out of this.