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20th Aug 2017

Arsene Wenger responds to Steven Gerrard’s criticism of star player

Gerrard called Mesut Ozil "a liability" who quits

Darragh Murphy

It was not the first time and it won’t be the last time that criticism is directed at Mesut Ozil.

Ozil’s style looks effortlessly brilliant on his good days but when he’s unable to impact a game, he can appear indifferent and lethargic.

The finger of blame was pointed at Ozil following Arsenal’s defeat to Stoke on Saturday evening, with BT Sport pundits Steven Gerrard and Martin Keown singling the German international out for particular ridicule.

“We’ve all seen him on his day and he’s a world class talent in possession, although he was poor in that respect today,” Gerrard said.

“I just worry about his body language and his reaction when the ball is turned over. He offers his teammates nothing defensively and away from home he’s a liability.

“Both his and Xhaka’s reaction in the build-up to the goal is weak. Ozil gives up and quits, he doesn’t track the run.”

Keown, meanwhile, accused Ozil of simply “going through the motions” on the pitch, making him a frustrating figure for supporters who, for the most part, can be appeased by a simple display of interest, energy and care for the cause.

The criticism of Ozil came up in Arsene Wenger’s post-match press conference and the Gunners manager was asked to comment on the opinions of both Gerrard and Keown.

“I think he did fight,” Wenger said of Ozil.

“It is difficult to single anybody out. I believe we had many, many chances and personally I don’t think he deserves [criticism].”