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20th Sep 2017

Kevin Durant owns up to humiliating Twitter balls-up

We can't stop cringing

Darragh Murphy

Well he had an absolute shocker there, didn’t he?

It’s 2017 and we all accept that a lot of people have more than one Twitter account.

In the vast majority of cases, additional accounts simply serve to act as methods of trolling people but there are other reasons for setting up other profiles too. Just ask Kevin Durant.

The Golden State Warriors star experienced a brand new level of panic this week when he did the unthinkable… He forgot to switch accounts before posting.

He. Forgot. To. Switch. Accounts. Before. Posting.


Durant had attempted to use a separate account to defend himself against a fan’s criticism of his decision to leave the Oklahoma City Thunder for the Warriors last July and, in the process, the 28-year-old criticised his former team and coach.

But when the post appeared from Durant’s verified account, his followers were quick to screenshot.

And rather than break out the usual excuse of hacking, Durant has decided to just own up and apologise for the embarrassing error.

“I use Twitter to engage with the fans,” Durant said on Tuesday at an event in San Francisco. “I think it’s a great way to engage with basketball fans. But I happened to take it a little too far. That’s what happens sometimes when I get into these basketball debates about what I really love: to play basketball.

“I don’t regret clapping back at anybody or talking to my fans on Twitter. I do regret using my former coach’s name and the former organisation I played for. That was childish. That was idiotic — all those type of words. I regret doing that, and I apologise to them for doing that.”