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Fitness & Health

29th Sep 2017

This man only ate potatoes for a year and this is what happened to his body

This is not what we were expecting


What a transformation!

A man from Australia only ate potatoes for a year to see if he could lose weight – and he did, a total of 50kg.

Yep, Andrew Flinders Taylor from Melbourne in Australia only ate the starchy goods for 12 months, however, a lot of thought went into it before he started the diet.

Of course, all doctors and nutritionists recommend you follow a diet full of protein, vegetables, carbs, dairy, fruit and fats – and the dad-of-two consulted with his own doctor before beginning anything.

#sunsoutgunsout #spudguns

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Andrew studied numerous research papers and finalised a plan the help of a dietician.

He also wasn’t just restricted to the white potato; he ate every kind he could find.

He told The Independent: “I’m getting over 600 per cent of my daily iron retirements and over 400 per cent of vitamin c as well as heaps of fibre – all things that so-called experts have said I’d be low in today.

“The only thing of concern was calcium, potatoes have calcium but maybe not enough. To be sure I’m using a calcium fortified organic soy milk to make mashed potatoes.

“My health just continues to improve. I had high cholesterol but now it’s low, my blood pressure has dropped and my sugar level has dropped,” he said.

Cold baked purple #sweetpotatoes and some #blueskies for #flavour is the perfect #lunchtime combo.

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“Every time I get a new blood test, it just gets better,” he added.

While we love potatoes and think Andrew did a great job being consistent with his diet, we can’t help but think having potatoes all year would get kinda boring.

And as always, consult with your doctor before taking any major steps (like this diet) to lose weight.