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29th Sep 2015

Model tries to embarrass PSG forward by releasing pictures of him in a thong

Oh dear

Darragh Murphy

As if there weren’t enough reasons for men to avoid wearing thongs…

Ezequiel Lavezzi found out the hard way that his arse should remain covered at all times after an Argentine model shared some revealing pictures of the Paris Saint-Germain forward.

Mariana Diarco has long been romantically linked with Lavezzi but refutes the rumoured relationship, claiming that it’s the Argentina international who continues to contact her.

And it’s not just a friendly “Hey, how’re you, xx” text message. Rather, Lavezzi made the never clever decision to send pictures of himself prancing about in a piece of underwear that looks as uncomfortable as it does perplexing.


Diarco released the pictures on Twitter on Monday night with the following caption.

Not even while you’re separated do you calm down, you’re still sending me photos Lavezzi! The macho American wears a thong!

Diarco is currently seeing musician El Dipy so perhaps this is her way of getting Lavezzi, and his smuggled budgie, to stop pursuing her.