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Fitness & Health

03rd Jul 2018

Man ‘too fat for parachute’ sheds seven stone in 12 months

Kris Dunbar swapped pasties and crisps for omelettes and protein shakes, getting seriously ripped in the process

Alex Roberts

A maintenance technician from South Shields slashed seven stone from his waistline after dropping junk food

30-year-old Kris Dunbar ditched pasties and crisps for omelettes and protein shakes, while also hitting the gym three times a week. He watched his weight drop from 18 and a half stone to a lean 11 stone 9lbs.

His body fat percentage even dropped to a shredded 5.4% body fat.

Over the years, Dunbar began to notice the scales slowly creeping up and was shocked to see the figure peak at 18 and a half stone.

A wake-up call came when he was over the weight limit for a parachute jump.

“It was a little embarrassing to be turned away for being too fat.”

Dunbar wasn’t happy and it took its tool on his clothing choices.

“I wasn’t happy in myself. I couldn’t wear clothes I wanted to and I didn’t like taking my top off in front of people.

“My wardrobe consisted of loose fitting jeans, oversized joggers and XL-XXL t shirts and jumpers to try and disguise my belly.”

Unhappy with the situation and his inactive lifestyle, the South Shields man decided to make a change.

“I began weight training three times a week with the odd cardio session thrown in here and there. By the end of the first month I’d dropped a stone.

“I couldn’t believe it – I had been tracking my calories, ensuring I was eating enough protein and training three times a week. I didn’t even feel like I was dieting. After that first month, I was hooked. I started getting increasingly active and walking a lot more.”

Dunbar began his total transformation in April 2017. He started incorporating cardio and weight training into his routine alongside counting macronutrients – the amount of protein, carbs and fat he was consuming. He witnessed some progress almost immediately.

“I was on around 2,200 calories per day, with a macro guideline of 40% protein 30% fat and 30% carbohydrate.

“In all honestly, I just ensured I was smashing my protein target using a mixture of whey protein and protein bars alongside solid meals to hit my macros each day.

“I didn’t really worry about fats and carbs, just focused on plenty of protein with each meal and some form of vegetable/greens. Although I was technically dieting, it really didn’t feel like it, I never starved myself nor did I ever feel hungry.”

As is the case with any diet plan, adherence is key. If your plan is too confusing and too exclusive to the point you’re constantly ravenous, it is unlikely to work. Kris’ complimented his overall lifestyle and he took the time to understand calorie and macro tracking, which explains his phenomenal results.

Kris’ daily diet before


Bowl of sugary cereal and toast OR

Sausage, bacon and egg butties with sauce


Shop bought sandwiches or pasties

Packet of crisps, chocolate bar and sugary drink


Takeaway three times per week

Shop bought ready meals


Ice cream before bed

In just six months, the 30-year-old lost over four stone and began to shed swathes of body fat. The benefits of this transition were not limited to looks, however.

“I became so much happier in myself. My clothes had changed; my body confidence had changed.”

Dunbar noted a huge improvement in his energy levels and overall outlook on life, proving that you can still have fun and socialise whilst making huge changes to your lifestyle.

“I was still able to go out for dinner and drinks for special occasions whilst maintaining what I had achieved through working so hard. I’d found that right balance.”

After a further few months of steady progress which included enjoying an all-inclusive holiday, Dunbar wanted to trim up even more.

By reducing his calories and focusing on upping his protein intake even further, the weight continued to drop off. Following a new cutting program, Dunbar lost seven stone and managed to reach his target weight of 75kg.

His body fat percentage reached a seriously-ripped 5.4% and the process had unearthed a new love for training and sense of style now he was out of his XXL jumpers.

“When I first started training, I was 18 and a half stone. My fat percentage couldn’t be taken as we were using callipers and my body was so bloated.

“After five months, I’d dropped 10 inches off my waist and we took the measurement. I measured 18% body fat. 12 months in, I was down to 11 stone 9 and 5.4% body fat.”

Dunbar admits that his transformation was the hardest process he’d ever completed, yet it was worth the sweat and tears and a year on.

He went on to marry his girlfriend and now enjoys life as a fit and healthy 30-year-old.

Kris’ daily diet after


3 egg omelette with greens

Post Workout

Vanilla Protein Shake


2 turkey steaks, spinach Myprotein noodles


Myprotein Chocolate Orange protein bar & fruit


Chicken and green vegetables

Dunbar has some words of advice for anyone beginning a transformation.

“If I was to give advice to anyone about losing weight, I’d say track your macros, train three times a week, be active, but most importantly, be consistent. One bad meal won’t make you fat, but one good meal won’t make you lean.”

If you – or someone you know – has made an impressive transformation with a story to tell, you could be featured on JOE’s Transformation Tuesday!

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