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12th Oct 2015

Watch evil Diego Costa come in contact with a fearful public (Video)


Nooruddean Choudry

Won’t somebody think of the children…

There was worrying scenes at Chelsea on Monday as notorious spawn of Satan, Diego Costa, was allowed to interact with innocent members of the general public.

In footage that will send a chill down the spines of Arsenal fans everywhere, the devil-man was allowed to come into contact with men, women and CHILDREN.

I know. Try to not choke on your chai tea latte at Starbucks or Nero or somewhere that’s not Costa Coffee. It really happened. And there’s sickening footage to prove it.

Here’s Costa grabbing a man aggressively by his hand and tearing a shirt from his possession. The wild beastie then takes a clearly panicked woman by the shoulder. Oh the humanity!

Then there’s this chilling footage of Costa posing with a frightened young child. Sadly the video cuts off just as he prepares to dropkick the poor youngster across the premises. Sickening.

And here are yet more victims, made to nervously stand beside the hate-filled reprobate. The look of sheer distress in their eyes in clearly apparent, as he scrawls obscene threats on their merchandise…

I’m sure you’ll agree, these are horrendous images and something must be done. We urge you to contact your local MPs, start online petitions, and create Venn diagrams on social media to bring an end to this barbarity.

Gabriel didn’t die for this…