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14th Oct 2015

Ronda Rousey’s mum has absolutely trashed the UFC champion’s coach (Video)

This is fireworks!

Darragh Murphy

AnnMaria De Mars doesn’t play around.

Ronda Rousey’s mother is known to be a bit of an explosive figure and she’s just blown up all over her daughter’s head coach.

In an interview with LatiNation, Mrs Rowdy explained how little she thought of Rousey’s coach Edmond Tarverdyan and claimed that he’s been nothing other than lucky with the fact that her daughter chose to walk into his gym.

“I think Edmond is a terrible coach,” she said. “And I will say it publicly. I think he’s a terrible coach, and I think he hit the lottery when Ronda walked in there.

“She was winning before she ever met him. She won 99% of the Judo matches she ever fought in. She had won the Junior Worlds when she was 17. She won a bronze medal in the Olympics. She won a silver medal in the world championship. She was one of the top athletes in the world, when she walked in there.”

US Olympic Team Trials Judo

The UFC bantamweight champion recently revealed how, when she first walked into Glendale Fighting Club, she was ignored by Tarverdyan until she proved herself and Rousey’s mother is not happy with the way that Rousey was treated in the early stages of her career.

“He wouldn’t even give her the time of day for months. Somebody like that is a terrible coach. And I think she stays there because it like somebody who pitches a no hitter when they’re wearing red underwear, so they wear that underwear for every day. And I think it’s superstition, and I would caution everyone from going there.”

“And I think it’s bad that he uses her to lure other people in. And the reason I tell everyone – I told Ronda I’m not going to be quiet about it – he’s a bad person, and people should not go there. And if he wants to sue me, that’s an honest opinion.”