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20th Oct 2015

Conor McGregor doesn’t trust Jose Aldo will even show up for their UFC mega fight

But this is how McGregor will finish him if he does...

Conan Doherty

Someone get Frankie Edgar on standby.

You could forgive Conor McGregor for being skeptical.

He spent months promoting a show in the summer that didn’t actually happen. He travelled around the world with Jose Aldo and spoke to fans and media about their July fight. He trained for Jose Aldo.

He fought Chad Mendes.

ufc animated GIF

So the Irishman still has his doubts that Aldo will actually make their December 12 meeting now.

The Brazilian is ready to put his belt on the line again for the featherweight division’s unification bout but McGregor isn’t getting his hopes up too high.

“If he shows up – I’m still not sold that he’ll show up,” the Dubliner spoke at the Takeover Q&A at the Wright Venue. “I’ve spent four days filming for the UFC countdown show to be released in a couple of weeks; they’ve been following me to training, following me here and there

“But they aren’t filming him, because they said nothing’s changed since the last time, but he pulled out, that changed. How can you film a man pulling out of a contest and not have him and his coach answer for it?

“I’m not a million per cent he’ll show up. If he shows up, he’ll be too emotional and, even if I half feint, he’ll overreact and drain all his energy. He’ll overload on a shot, I’ll slip and big him with a left hand and put him away.”