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27th Oct 2015

Washington’s NFL rookies forced to foot $22,000 bill at team dinner

Rite of passage

Gareth Makim

Every year in the NFL, the rookies for each team are given various extra jobs by the veterans, from carrying their pads in and out to training to buying the donuts and coffee for the squad each morning.

But few of the rites of passage endured by the first-year players take quite the toll of the rookie dinner, when the rest of the team dine out at the young players’ expense.

It sounds like great fun, until you realise it is the lowest earning players on the squad that foot the bill, many of whom might not make it to a second year.

Nevertheless, the ritual endures and the guys on Washington’s defence hit the town recently to celebrate their comeback win against Tampa Bay on Sunday.

And boy did they celebrate, the 25 or so players racking up a $22,000 bill by the end of the evening.

Let’s have a closer look at that bar tab, actually.

We’d love to know who had the Shirley Temples, and that $70 Jack Daniels had to hurt, but it’s the dram of 25-year-old Macallan whisky that really catches the eye.
