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IWD 19

07th Mar 2019

Amber Rudd reads the vile abuse she receives on a daily basis

Being one of the most high profile politicians in the country has horrific side effects


Being one of the most high profile politicians in the country has horrific side effects

Amber Rudd, the secretary of state for work and pensions, is one of the most high profile politicians in the country.

Everyday she and other female colleagues are subject to an extraordinary level of abuse, to an extent that their male counterparts often do not have to endure.

Their intelligence is questioned and undermined. They are particularly persecuted.

Rudd said: “The fact that people want to talk to you like this is really horrid.

“People will engage with politicians, I don’t mind hearing their franks views about me or my policies. But I do mind them using this sort of language.”

Choice tweets to Rudd include: “Amber Rudd, you are the most useless thoughtless, hopeless woman. I can’t believe she has put you back in the Cabinet. It is only because you look good.”

“How about you all just quit, stop dividing the population with pathetic arguments. We have had enough of the scum political class and that includes you.”

“You are a disgusting human being. I hope she dies.”

For International Women’s Day 2019 and every other, women should not be subject to this kind of abuse. It is a sad indictment of political discourse that it even needs saying.