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14th Mar 2019

Unexploded bomb discovered under no deal Brexit planning site

Marc Mayo

This is not a metaphor. Repeat. This is not a metaphor

Manston Airport has been the hub of government minister Chris Grayling’s no deal Brexit planning and, on Thursday, an unexploded bomb was found at the site.

As if penned by the writers responsible for the tragi-comedy that is Grayling’s career, police and bomb disposal teams were called to the Kent site to remove the World War II device, which has been described as ‘huge’.

It was reportedly placed by British forces, planted to detonate if Nazi forces successfully captured the airfield.

No longer used as an airport, the site has been commandeered by transport secretary Grayling to plan for a no deal Brexit, reenacting tailbacks of lorries at Dover.

“Kent Police was called at 10.42am following the discovery of an unexploded wartime device on the site of the former Manston airport,” read a statement.

“Officers are currently in attendance along with explosives experts from the British Army who are continuing to assess the scene.”