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13th May 2019

The behind the scenes footage of Cleganebowl is almost as epic as the fight itself

Paul Moore

What. A. Fight. Here’s how they made it

In case you haven’t seen the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, consider this to be your spoiler alert warning.


Prior to the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones airing, we had a definitive list of questions that the show needed to answer.

Well, after years of waiting and hype, it finally happened.

Sandor Clegane vs Gregor Clegane. The Hound vs The Mountain. Brother vs Brother.


Over the years, we’ve seen both men take part in some truly breathtaking fights and action sequences.

The Hound vs Brienne was one of the most brutal, visceral, and fiercely-contested fights in the history of Game of Thrones as no quarter was given.

As well as this, Sandor Clegane has absolutely eviscerated his enemies during the Battle of Blackwater and killed plenty of wights beyond The Wall and during the Battle of Winterfell.

He’s a machine that can only be stopped with some chicken and ale.

As for his brother, well, very few people can go toe-to-toe with Oberyn Martell, crack The Red Viper’s head open like an egg, suffer severe injuries, and somehow return as an even more ferocious fighter than before.

The Mountain is a beast. A one man army. He’s a sure thing in a trial by combat.

In the most recent episode, we finally learned what what happens when an unmovable object meets, well, another unmovable object.

Simply put, Cleganebowl was absolutely glorious.

Aside from the breathtaking cinematography and setting, the physicality was incredibly impressive as Rory McCann (The Hound) faced up to the world’s strongest man (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson).

To McCann’s immense credit, the actor got thrown around like a rag doll but he kept coming back for more punishment. As for Björnsson, the scene was extremely demanding given the amount of prosthetics that he had to wear throughout.

The final result? Five minutes of carnage that was definitely worth the wait.

Somehow, we think that they’re still scrapping in those flames!

Take a look at what was required to film one of the greatest fights in Game of Thrones at the 21 minute mark below.

Cleganebowl, drink it in.