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02nd Nov 2015

Who knew that a Conor McGregor/Jose Mourinho mash-up could be so very perfect? (Video)


Darragh Murphy

Ah internet, you’ve done it again.

A lightbulb illuminated over the head of a creative sports fan this weekend while laughing his way through Jose Mourinho’s ridiculous “I have nothing to say” post-match interview.

While the Chelsea manager’s comments can definitely stand alone as one of the most entertaining moments of the Premier League season, clever YouTuber Harry Potter (not that one) saw the opportunity to attain greatness.

It turns out that Aldo is not the only Jose that Conor McGregor has it in for!

Watch, in all its glory, as two of the most self-assured men in sports go head-to-head for the undisputed title of the Special One…