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17th Apr 2015

Sepp Blatter is up there with Jesus and Mandela, apparently…

Father of Football, Son of God

Simon Lloyd

A quick glance at the replies to the man’s tweets will tell you that Sepp Blatter isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

But, going off some of the comments made about him at the recent CONCACAF meeting, Sepp knows where to go if he’s ever in need of an ego massage.

Meeting in the Bahamas, delegates from the Caribbean and North and Central America have seemingly showered Mr. Blatter with cringe-worthy praise, comparing him to some of the most influential historical figures.

As reported in Reuters, the Trinidad and Tobago FA president, Raymond Tim Kee, described Batter as the “father of football”. Not to be outdone, the President of the Dominican Republic FA, Osiris Guzman, compared Blatter with the likes of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Jesus Christ

Tell us, does this really look like a man who could walk on water?

Blatter will find out in May if he will keep his FIFA presidency, but it does appear he can almost definitely count on getting the votes of Mr. Kee and Mr. Guzman.