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05th Nov 2019

Lib Dems call for Jo Swinson inclusion in televised leadership debate

Oli Dugmore

The Lib Dem leader has called to be included in the debates

Jo Swinson has described the decision to exclude from televised leadership debates as “sexist” and has urged ITV to include her alongside prime minister Boris Johnson and  Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The Lib Democrats’ female MPs, MEPs and peers wrote an open letter to national broadcasters, calling for them to include Swinson on account of her being the only female candidate in the running, as well as being the leader of the only party promising to cancel Brexit should they be elected.

As well as Swinson herself, her Lib Dem colleagues Luciana Berger and Layla Moran also called on broadcasters to include her in the debates.

“To stop the Lib Dems, the biggest, strongest Remain party from having a voice, is a travesty,” said Moran.

It is understood that Boris Johnson may send a cabinet minister in his stead if the leader of a smaller party is invited to a televised leadership debate.