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23rd Apr 2020

The pub landlord that poured more than £3,000 worth of pints down the drain

Rich Cooper

Truly a sad day

When the British government announced that all pubs in the United Kingdom would have to close their doors effective immediately, it caused a change of mood here. This, above all else, was proof that life was changing.

For a long time the government had resisted the urge (and conventional wisdom) to order a closure of pubs and restaurants, before eventually relenting. But while this is a shame for those of us who enjoy having a drink with friends, it was a significantly bigger deal for pub landlords.

Kevin Shepherson is the landlord of the Old Horse pub in Leicester, and after the government announced pub closures he was left with no choice but to pour 650 pints/82 gallons/more than £3,000 worth of beer and cider down the drain.

We spoke to Kevin about that moment, as well as what it was like during last orders on the night before lockdown.