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25th May 2020

Piers Morgan calls out Dominic Cummings for eyesight claims in press conference

Wayne Farry

“What kind of man does that?”

Dominic Cummings addressed the media today in an extraordinary press conference as he attempted to debunk claims that he broke lockdown rules on two separate occasions by traveling to Durham.

A joint investigation by the Mirror and the Guardian revealed that Dominic Cummings, his wife and his child had traveled to his parents’ property in April, so as to have childcare while he and his wife were sick with what they believed to be Covd-19.

Cummings appearance in the Rose Garden at Downing Street saw him questioned by political journalists over his reasoning behind the trip, and whether he felt it was reasonable.

His answers fell flat for many, including for journalist Piers Morgan, who sent a series of tweets condemning the unelected political advisor for his behaviour.

Morgan’s first piece of criticism came after Cummings appeared to admit breaking lockdown on three occasions, saying in a tweet: “Cummings just admitted breaking three lockdown rules. None of us were allowed to do any of the things he did. Why is the media even still bothering to talk to him? This is completely ridiculous.”

Next Morgan criticised Cummings for his admission that he and his parents had “shouted conversations” while he visited their property, when countless other Brits sacrificed seeing their families to adhere to lockdown rules for the good of the country.

“HE saw his parents.  THEY had ‘shouted conversations.’ We ALL wanted to f*cking do that. (I haven’t seen my parents since March 14). It was CUMMINGS who helped draw up the rules that said we couldn’t. This is breathtaking.”

After Cummings’ claim that he had driven with his family to the Durham site of Barnard Castle purely to test his eyesight after experiencing a loss of sight, Morgan derided the advisor.

He said: “If his eyesight was damaged, why was he driving a car?”

Finally, Morgan referred to the entire conference as “contemptible” – including the fact that the man who drafted the lockdown regulations felt entitled to break them.

“This is contemptible. All of it. Millions of people obeyed the rules HE created – and he brazenly ignored them multiple times. Now he’s lying away, playing the victim, and taking the whole country for morons.”