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27th May 2020

Alastair Campbell: Why won’t Boris Johnson sack Dominic Cummings?

Oli Dugmore

Is it time for Dom to go?

Dominic Cummings decision to break lockdown on two occasions, and his subsequent decision to stand by what he did, has caused consternation among the vast majority of the country.

At a time when millions of Britons made heartbreaking sacrifices to obey the rules Cummings helped draft, many missing the final moments of loved ones’ lives to do so, it rightly feels like a slap in the face.

The behaviour of Boris Johnson’s most senior advisor in the aftermath of his cross-country trip has suggested that the ‘man of the people’ image he enjoys is just that, an image. Nothing more, nothing less.

One minister has already resigned, and many people believe that Boris should simply sack him. So why won’t he? JOE sat down with Alastair Campbell, former Downing Street consiglieri to Tony Blair, to find out.