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13th Oct 2020

Majority of Brits think there should have been a September lockdown

Over 50 per cent of Brits believe there should have been a lockdown imposed in September, when SAGE advised the government to impose severe restrictions

Reuben Pinder

SAGE advised the government to impose a three week lockdown

The majority of Brits believe there should have been a nationwide lockdown imposed in September, as advised by the government’s scientific advisers, according to a new YouGov poll.

SAGE told the government an immediate “circuit breaker” would be the best way to contain the spread of coronavirus as the number of recorded cases spiked throughout the country.

Of the 4,222 adults surveyed by YouGov, 54 per cent responded saying the government should have taken the advice of SAGE, while 28 per cent said the government were right not to impose a lockdown, with 10 per cent saying they don’t know.

Labour voters were largely in favour of the lockdown, with 71 per cent being in favour of a September lockdown, with just 15 per cent of them opposing it and 15 per cent responding ‘don’t know’.

Tory voters on the other hand were more divided, with 37 per cent believing the SAGE advice should have been followed, and 46 per cent saying the government were right to ignore it. 17 per cent of Conservative voters said they don’t now.

Regions in the north of England have now been put into a three tier system, depending on risk levels. This has inevitably led to mass confusion, with ambiguous geographical boundaries and unclear instructions leading to thousands of people unsure on which rules they must abide by.

In the absence of any meaningful advice from the government, the BBC thankfully created a tool which allows people to check which restrictions apply to their post code before the government.

In a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Labour leader Keir Starmer called for a 2-3 week ‘circuit break’ national lockdown to combat a second wave of coronavirus.

“This would not mean schools closing, except that it could be over half-term,” Starmer said.

