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30th Nov 2020

Pubs and restaurants in Wales banned from selling alcohol, must close at 6pm

Alcohol will be banned from pubs, bars and restaurants in Wales. The hospitality industry will also be forced to close premises from 6pm onwards

Alex Roberts

The measure comes into force this Friday

Alcohol will be banned from pubs, bars and restaurants in Wales, it has been revealed. The hospitality industry will also be forced to close premises from 6pm onwards.

First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford said that “unless we act”, Wales could experience 1,700 Covid-related deaths over the winter months.

The measures will come into force from 6pm this Friday, and were announced by the Welsh Government earlier today. announced by first minister Mark Drakeford will come into force from 6pm this Friday.

Cinemas, bowling alleys, bingo halls and other indoor entertainment venues also face the same predicament in Wales.

Outdoor attractions and entertainment venues will be permitted to stay open.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said the Welsh Government is simply following SAGE advice, and that without these measures, the number of Covid-related hospital admissions could reach 2,200.

Drakeford added that, without these new restrictions, Covid deaths could hit 1,700 over the winter period.

Per 100,000 people, the number of coronavirus infections in Wales rose from 187 on Friday to almost 210 today.

Drakeford said cases were also rising in under-25s. When England was put back into lockdown on October 31st, the situation in Wales was more relaxed.

Pubs, bars, restaurants and gyms remained open, albeit with altered opening hours. The Welsh Government has said it will review travel restrictions in and out of the country when England’s four-week lockdown is lifted on December 2nd.

Speaking at a press briefing earlier today, Drakeford stated: “The measures we are taking are based on what the UK SAGE group of experts tells us has worked best elsewhere.

The news has understandably sparked anger amongst the hospitality industry in Wales, although Drakeford has said businesses will be supported.

He added: “To support businesses affected by these new restrictions into the New Year, we will provide the most generous package of financial assistance anywhere in the UK”.

The Welsh Government will review the new restrictions on December 17th – and again every three weeks.