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07th Dec 2020

Donald Trump holding ‘opposing rally’ during Biden inauguration, American media reports

The president is planning to decline an invite and instead campaign in Florida

Oli Dugmore

The president is planning to decline an invite and instead campaign in Florida

President Donald Trump will not attend the inauguration of president-elect Joe Biden, instead holding an ‘opposing rally’ in Florida, American media reports.

According to Axios, Trump will fly by Air Force One from the White House to Florida and announce his candidacy for the 2024 election.

Typically, an American president would invite his successor to the White House in advance of their inauguration and also attend the ceremony, as the Obamas did with Donald and Melania Trump in 2016.

Joe Biden is due to be sworn-in on January 20 2021 at a limited ceremony, without the usual parade and fanfare because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden is already polling a higher approval rating than at any point during Donald Trump’s presidency.

In the most recent CNN Gallup poll, Biden received a 55% approval rating – a figure higher than Trump ever managed in his four years in the White House.

Biden’s approval rating is up by six percent since the last poll was conducted before the election. Trump’s current approval rating is at 42 percent, down by three percent on the previous poll.

Shortly after his inauguration in January 2016, Trump achieved a 50% approval rating in polls.

Biden’s approval amongst registered Republicans has doubled, going from six percent before the election to a current standing of 12 percent.

At a White House Christmas party last week, Trump suggested he would run for the presidency again in 2024.

According to Politico and the various US media outlets to have reported on Trump’s Christmas party, he said:

“It’s been an amazing four years. We are trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I’ll see you in four years.”