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01st Feb 2021

Isle of Man ends all lockdown and social distancing restrictions

With no community transmission of coronavirus, all lockdown and social distancing restrictions have been lifted on the Isle of Man

Alex Roberts

There is no community transmission of coronavirus on the island

All lockdown and social distancing restrictions have been lifted on the Isle of Man.

With no “community transmission” of Covid-19, authorities on the island have voted to lift all lockdown measures, which includes the reopening of pubs and non-essential businesses.

Face masks are no longer a mandatory requirement in public places, and are now a matter of personal choice.

A statement published on the Isle of Man Government website reads:

“As of Monday 1 February, people are no longer required to socially distance from those outside their household.

“There is no community transmission of COVID-19 in the Isle of Man, therefore face coverings are not required/recommended for the general population except when mandated under a Direction Notice, travelling to/from the Island and within the ports.

“If people wish to continue to wear a face covering that is their personal choice. There are no time limits for exercise or leisure activities and you can now go shopping for non-essential items.

“Meeting friends and family is a really important way of helping to look after our mental wellbeing and keeping in touch.”

Authorities on the island have also given more specific advice.

There are no restrictions on exercise, and schools, nurseries, colleges and universities are all permitted to reopen. Non-essential businesses have also been allowed to reopen, meaning that the residents of the Isle of Man can now get a haircut, go to the gym and then go for a pint.

For some time, the Isle of Man has implemented clear Covid-19 travel guidance.

  • Residents and key workers are able to travel freely
  • Non-residents can apply for “compassionate and contractual applications”
  • Mandatory 21 day self-isolation is imposed on return or testing for release on day 14
  • Those travelling must isolate alone
  • Those entering required to complete Landing Form for contact tracing