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16th Nov 2015

Gary Neville wades into the John Terry and Robbie Savage debate

Neville has his say...

Robert Redmond

Robbie Savage has another ally.

John Terry hasn’t received much support since criticising Robbie Savage earlier this month.

The Chelsea captain, who’s endured poor form since the start of the season, said that whilst he accepts criticism from football pundits who have illustrious playing careers, such as Gary Neville, Rio Ferdinand and Jamie Carragher, he wouldn’t accept any criticism from Robbie Savage.

Terry said Savage, former Leicester City midfielder and Strictly Come Dancing contestant, “played at a really bad level”, and therefore discounted his opinion.

Savage hit back with a reasoned, well thought out article, in which he said everyone, regardless of their playing ability, was entitled to an opinion.

The majority of people seemed to, somewhat begrudgingly, agree with the BT Sports’ pundit. And now he has another supporter – Gary Neville.

“From my point of view, I think well done to him, even though he does things differently and sometimes says things or behaves in a way that maybe you and I wouldn’t,” Neville told the Sunday People.

Neville and Savage were part of the same youth-team at Manchester United, and the Sky Sports’ pundit said that while Savage isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, he deserves respect for maximising his abilities.

“I actually think he has done really well to be like he is and do what he’s done. That deserves some plaudits as far as I am concerned because not a lot of people can do that.

“He has maximised everything out of his career and his life and, ultimately, that comes down to the upbringing we all had at United under Nobby Stiles, Sir Alex Ferguson and Eric Harrison.”

“You were never let off in anything in those days. You had to keep going all the time and Robbie Savage has those qualities.”