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24th Nov 2015

Jose Aldo thinks Irish drug testers have gone easy on Conor McGregor

Is he taking the p*ss?

Kevin Beirne

The mind games for UFC 194 have begun.

Conor McGregor’s ability to get inside his opponents’ heads is well-known, but Jose Aldo has come out swinging for him after calling out the Irish anti-doping regulations.

“He’s not being tested in Ireland. I don’t even know if there is a commission. This commission had to be from Vegas or anywhere.

“We said that, like he said it a lot, we wanted to be tested every week at the same time, me and him, but it didn’t happened. I’m being tested a lot, they come here in the gym, I don’t see any problem.”

Aldo’s comments were accompanied by an Instagram post of him submitting a sample to Usada as he gears up for his match-up with McGregor on December 12.

McGregor has attacked Aldo in the past for the same issue after issues with the Brazilian’s urine samples ahead of UFC 189, which Aldo eventually pulled out of due to injury.

For what it’s worth, Usada’s records show that both fighters have been tested four times this year.