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18th Sep 2021

Care worker angry after losing job for refusing the vaccine

Danny Jones

After seven years in the industry, she is now being told she cannot be a part of it

A care worker is Walsall has lost her job for refusing to get the vaccine after concerns over its safety.

The 24-year-old, who preferred to remain anonymous, works as an office care coordinator at the Walsall home and believes people should not be forced to get the vaccine.

People working in care homes in England must be fully vaccinated by November 11th unless exempt after MPs made vaccinations compulsory for care workers back in July.

As per the BBC, she is now coming to terms with the “heartbreaking” news that she cannot work in the industry she has spent seven years of her career in.

She said: “I cannot fault my company at all because they have been absolutely brilliant. They do not want to get rid of me, they wish this was not happening and they have supported me throughout the whole thing.”

Another anonymous woman from Wolverhampton told BBC Radio WM that she was also dismissed this past Thursday. As with the previous case, she is “devastated” by the decision.

In this case, she was also quick to point out that she is “forced to have it to keep my job but it was OK to work through the pandemic without the vaccine.” Like many in the sector, she feels social workers are being singled out.

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