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30th Sep 2021

Officer caught on camera ‘fly-kicking’ 15-year-old under investigation by police watchdog

Charlie Herbert

The incident happened in Norwich on September 26

A cop who was filmed delivering a flying-kick to a 15-year-old girl, knocking her to the ground, is being investigated by the police watchdog.

Shocking footage of the incident filmed by a friend shows the male officer running onto the scene and kicking the girl in her waist with his left foot, forcing the teen to fall to the ground.

The cop, who is now the subject of a police probe, shouts “move back” as he strikes the girl, who appeared to be trying to stop two other officers from handcuffing her friend.

The incident happened outside an Indian restaurant in Norwich, Norfolk at around 5pm on Sunday (September 26).

Norfolk Police declined to confirm whether the officer who kicked the girl, understood to be 15 years old, was still on active duty.

Dexter Hanna, 41, claimed the officer “didn’t ask any questions” before kicking the teen but added that the girls were “trying to impress me” as he caught the incident on video.

He claimed that the girls were confronted by police after they were allegedly caught in a pub whilst underage.

Dexter said: “It was one police officer that was there and when he was trying to restrain her he was trying to be nice.

“Then she was putting on more of a show when I started recording.

“They were bullying him [the officer] and almost beating him up.

“When the other one came he didn’t ask any questions he just gave a big flying kick.”

Footage of the incident initially shows a single male police officer struggling to handcuff a girl dressed in a leather jacket and blue jeans.

The pair fall to the ground and the girl briefly takes the handcuffs from the officer before he gets them back.

The girl says “yank him off me, yeah” as her friend, dressed in a black coat, blue jeans and black sliders, pulls on the officer’s arm.

A siren can then be heard and the officer flags down an arriving police van.

A female officer runs from the van to help with arresting the girl on the ground as she pushes her friend away.

A male officer then runs in from out of the shot and kicks the girl to the ground as he shouts “move back”.

The girl can be heard screaming and says “don’t put your knee on my belly” as the officer handcuffs her.

Both girls were arrested and released on bail but Norfolk Police did not confirm what the pair were arrested for.

A force spokesperson said: “We are aware of a video circulating on social media following an incident in Norwich on Sunday (26 September 2021).

“The matter has been voluntarily referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) and an investigation is ongoing.”

The IOPC confirmed that it received a referral from Norfolk Police on Tuesday morning.

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