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14th Nov 2021

Three snow leopards have died from Covid

Kieran Galpin

The tigers made a full recovery

Three snow leopards have died at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska following complications related to Covid-19.

Posting the announcement on Facebook, the zoo described the deaths of the animals as “truly heartbreaking”.

The statement reads: “It is with deep sadness that we inform our community that three snow leopards at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo have passed away due to complications of COVID-19. Our leopards, Ranney, Everest, and Makalu, were beloved by our entire community inside and outside of the zoo.”

“This loss is truly heartbreaking, and we are all grieving together. Sumatran tigers, Axl and Kumar, have made a seemingly full recovery from their illness.” the zoo said.

The zoo had begun treating the leopards named Ranney, Everest, and Makalu, last month. At the same time, the zoo was also treating Axl and Kumar, two Sumatran tigers.

“The Zoo has conducted a thorough investigation of all staff that were in close proximity to the felids. There is no evidence to pinpoint the source of the infection,” the zoo said last month after the infections were discovered.

On Friday, the zoo confirmed that Axl and Kumar had “made a seemingly full recovery from their illness”.

Despite the loss of the three leopards, which are still considered at risk in the wild, the zoo’s doors remain open to the public.

They confirmed: “We will continue following the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) and CDC guidelines to ensure the safety of our animals, staff, and community.”

Fans of the Leopards have sent their condolences to the zoo, with one Facebook user writing: “Oh no! They were my favorite and we’d loved seeing their beauty and agility.

“My deepest sympathies.”

Another said: “I am so sorry. This is devastating. Everest arrived the last year I worked at the zoo and I always loved walking past his enclosure. My deepest condolences to the keepers. Rest easy, snow leopards. You’ve earned it.”

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