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16th Nov 2021

UN gives Musk everything he asked for to donate $6B to end world hunger

Kieran Galpin

Could billionaires solve world hunger?

After challenging the United Nations on Twitter and calling the bluff of its officials, Musk was served with a plan on how $6 billion would be spent.

The UN’s food-assistance branch, the World Food Programme (WFP), laid out in black and white how $6.6 billion could prevent 42 million people across 43 countries from famine.

Head of the WFP, David Beasley, who has been in a back and forth with Musk for weeks, finally shared the proposal.

He tweeted: “This hunger crisis is urgent, unprecedented, AND avoidable. @elonmusk, you asked for a clear plan & open books. Here it is!

“We’re ready to talk with you – and anyone else – who is serious about saving lives.”

The plans breakdown how the money would be spent, and the full report is available here.

Essentially $3.5 billion would be used for food and delivery including “the cost of shipping and transport to the country, plus warehousing and “last mile” delivery of food using air, land and river transport, contracted truck drivers and required security escorts in conflict-affected zones to distribute food to those who need it most.”

A further $2 billion would be used for cash and food vouchers, which is fairly self-explanatory.

$700 million would also be used for “country-specific costs to design”.

Finally, $400 million would be used for “global and regional operations management, administration and accountability”. The specifics of this money includes the “coordination of global supply lines and aviation routes; global logistics coordination such as freight contracting; global monitoring and analysis of hunger worldwide; and risk management and independent auditors dedicated to oversight.”

But the biggest question is, will Musk buy into it?

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