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24th Jan 2022

Compulsory covid jabs for NHS workers could be axed after protests across UK

Danny Jones

Frontline workers are protesting the ‘no jab, no job’ mandate

The government’s decision to implement compulsory covid jabs for all NHS staff could be axed after mass protests by frontline workers have taken place across the country.

A high-profile demonstration took place in central London on January 22, with doctors, nurses, care home workers and more taking to the streets to oppose the incoming legislation for mandatory vaccinations.

As you can see in the footage taken from Saturday’s march, thousands of healthcare workers and their supporters turned out to state their desire for a pro-choice policy and contest what they see as a ‘no jab, no job’ mandate.

In arguably the most striking image from the protests, thousands of medical scrubs and NHS uniforms were thrown onto the steps of Trafalgar Square.

With such widespread resistance growing among sections of the frontline workforce, there is now pressure on politicians to delay the compulsory covid jab policy which is set to come into effect from February 3.

Per the current legislation, NHS staff must have received their first dose by the start of the month and be fully vaccinated by April 1 in order to continue their current roles.

It is estimated that more than 80,000 workers could lose their jobs by the start of April should they choose not to take up the vaccine and chairman of the Royal College of GPs, Martin Marshall, has warned that this level of layoffs would see “massive consequences” to the NHS’ everyday operational capacity.

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