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20th Feb 2022

Russia preparing biggest war in Europe since 1945, says PM

Kieran Galpin

Joe Biden is said to have explained the issue to Western leaders

Following talks with foreign leaders, Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that Russia is planning the biggest war in Europe since World War II.

Amid growing tensions surrounding the Russia and Ukraine border, the PM said he wanted people to “understand the sheer cost in human life” should Russia choose to invade Ukraine.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss echoed similar statements while adding that Vladimir Putin “will not stop at Ukraine” is seeking to reform the Soviet Union.

Speaking to BBC News, the PM said: “The plan that we’re seeing is for something that could be the biggest war in Europe since 1945 just in terms of sheer scale.

“You’re looking at not just an invasion through the east through the Donbas, but according to the intelligence we are seeing, coming down from the north, down from Belarus and actually encircling Kyiv itself, as Joe Biden explained to a lot of us last night.”

He added that an incursion would not only be detrimental to “Ukrainians but for Russians” as well.

Johnson held talks with European leaders in Bavaria, where Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy was critical of “appeasement” by the West in the face of Russia’s continued pressure.

He said: “We have the right to demand to move from the appeasement policy to ensuring the guarantees of security.” Given that Russia has amassed 150,000 troops at Ukraine’s border, Zelenskyy questioned why economic sanctions would only be imposed after Russia makes the first move.

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