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24th Feb 2022

What Brits can do for Ukraine – a resource list

Charlie Herbert

There are ways you can help the people of Ukraine

After several weeks of Russian troops gathering on the Ukrainian border, Putin has ordered forces to invade the country.

Here’s a compilation of useful resources to assist you in aiding the people of Ukraine. Please consider helping in whatever way you can.

The citizens of Ukraine have compiled a list of organisations where foreigners can donate directly, either to the army to provide necessary resources or to the nation’s private citizens themselves.

You can donate to the military at the following links:

And here are charities where you can donate to help citizens of the country:

The following are fundraisers set up to help the people of Ukraine:

You can find more charities like these and more information about the situation in Ukraine by visiting Razom for Ukraine.

You can also write to your local MP to appeal for their support regarding the military build-up of Russian forces on Ukraine’s border. Follow this link for more information: Contact your MP

You can find a useful text template here.

Throughout Thursday afternoon, a demonstration will be taking place outside Downing Street. You can find out more information about this here:

Related links: