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07th Mar 2022

Hugh Grant tells Nigel Farage to ‘go f*** yourself’ in response to new campaign

Kieran Galpin

There’s a reason Grant is so beloved, as evidenced here

In response to Nigel Farage’s new campaign hoping to “kill off Boris Johnson’s ruinous green agenda”, Hugh Grant promptly told the politician to “go f**k yourself.”

Grant is the prime minister of people’s dreams thanks to Christmas classic Love, Actually – and while he may not be a real politician, it’s still satisfying to watch him put GB News‘ host Nigel Farage in his place.

On Saturday, the former Brexit Party Leader tweeted: “I am launching a new campaign to kill off Boris Johnson’s ruinous green agenda.”

He added: “We demand a referendum on Net Zero.”

Alongside the incendiary tweet, Farage posted a screenshot from The Mail on Sunday showing his announcement of yet another scheme. This time, entitled “VOTE POWER NOT POVERTY”, Farage and close conspirator Richard Tice are hoping to overturn Net Zero plans.

In a separate tweet, Farage noted that his key aims include a referendum on Net Zero plans, ending reliance on overseas oil and gas and scrapping the five per cent VAT on fuel bills.

However the tweets did not sit well with the 61-year-old British actor, who quote-tweeted Farage alongside: “Russian warship – go fuck yourself.” Grant is obviously alluding to the Ukrainian soldiers who defiantly told the same to a Russian Warship.

“It’s literally impossible not to love Hugh Grant,” wrote one fan. Later on Saturday, Grant retweeted a meme that alluded to Farage being a “c**t.”

However Grant isn’t the only one sticking it to Farage, who last week blamed NATO and the EU for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Journalist Otto English scathed: “You can demand kipper sandwiches for Klingons as far as I care. You have no constituency beyond your mega odd messagegram work.”

“I demand a referendum on launching this traitorous prick in to the sun,” another wrote.

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