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17th Dec 2015

Coach lashes out after claims Jose Aldo’s 10-year unbeaten run was drugs related

Patrick McCarry

The Brazilian bear has been poked.

Andre Pederneiras has shot back at insinuations that Jose Aldo was not in peak shape due to the UFC’s stringent, recently introduced drug-testing laws.

‘Dede’, who is Aldo’s head trainer at the Nova Unao gym, reacted rapidly to the latest Joe Rogan podcast, during which his co-host Brendan Schaub raised questions about the defeated featherweight champion.


Schaub commented, “[Aldo has] never failed a test, but who knows.

“You’re batshit crazy if you don’t think Jose Aldo’s body looked different. You’re batshit crazy if you think he’s gonna fight the same.

“Also, his camp, I think, is 1-7, 0-8 since this drug testing came out. So you’re talking about a different fighter, man. For me, that’s a huge X-factor.”

Pederneiras was quick to collect images from Aldo’s last four fights to prove his man was not “deflated” before his bout against Conor McGregor.

The tweet, translated, reads: ‘To the clown that thinks Aldo was on something and isn’t anymore, draw your own conclusions.’