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24th Mar 2022

South Korea fires missiles in response to largest ever North Korea weapon launch

Charlie Herbert

Tensions are rising between North and South Korea

South Korea has fired missiles in response to North Korea’s largest ever weapon launch, in which it tested a banned intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

For the first time since 2017, North Korea launched an ICBM missile, which fell in Japanese waters after being in flight for more than an hour.

Japanese officials estimate the ICBM flew 1,100km.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff put the missile’s maximum altitude at 6,200km and its range at 1,080km.

LBC reports that in response to North Korea’s test launch, South Korea fired missiles from the ground, sea, and air.

There are concerns that the weapons launch from North Korea represents a major step in the country’s development of weapons that might be able to deliver nuclear warheads to locations in the US.

South Korean deputy national security advisor Suh Choo-suk labelled the launch a “clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, and a reversal of the moratorium on ICBM launches, which North Korea had promised to the international community.”

In response to North Korea’s weapon launch, the White House said in a statement: “The door has not closed on diplomacy, but Pyongyang must immediately cease its destabilizing actions.

“The United States will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the American homeland and Republic of Korea and Japanese allies.”

The US and South Korea have both voiced concerns in recent weeks that North Korea is preparing to launch its largest ICBM yet, the Hwasong-17.

US officials said that tests on February 27 and March 5 both featured the Hwasong-17, the Mirror reports.

An official said: “The purpose of these tests, which did not demonstrate ICBM range, was likely to evaluate this new system before conducting a test at full range in the future, potentially disguised as a space launch.”

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