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Fitness & Health

07th Jan 2016

This 3-year-old Australian kid with a six pack is in better shape than all of us (Pics)

What a little legend!

Ben Kenyon

Is everyone in the world in better shape than us?

First we saw the photos of 70-year-old WWE boss Vince McMahon looking absolutely ripped and showing us all up lifting 315lb barbells at a pensionable age.

But now it seems even children are putting us to shame.

If childhood obesity is on the rise, nobody told three-year-old Australian lad Dash Meager. We’ve got unused bags of protein powder at home older than this little Arnie, but he’s still in better nick that us.

He might be barely out of nappies but he’s in absolutely impeccable shape and loves exercise so much he has a solid set of abs and biceps. Did we say he’s only three years old?

While other kids his age are probably still finger painting and potty training, Dash, is mad keen on trampolining, climbing and running.

“I first noticed Dash had the beginnings of a six pack about six months ago when I was changing his nappy,” his mum Ursula told Daily Mail Australia.

“He’s too young to realise he has it of course, but he’s already incredibly muscly and just loves to exercise.

“I’m truly blessed to have such a healthy little boy.”

Dash’s parents built him an outdoor activity centre for his second birthday with rings, trapeze and places to climb and hang.

The youngster from Canberra, who has done a 4K run, even has his own ‘fitspiration’ account on Instagram called @musclylittlemonster.

‘Obviously I would love him to continue being so active as it could lead to good things,’ said Ursula. ‘I do harbour a dream of him doing sport professionally or taking part in the Olympics for gymnastics, but I understand that the most important thing for now is that I have a healthy little boy and a fit kid.’

Well, excuse us while we just nip outside and sign back up to the gym. Diet starts tomorrow.