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07th Jan 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo adorably challenges son to free kick contest with miniature ball (Video)

Only one winner

Darragh Murphy

Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. and Gareth Bale have something in common – Cristiano Ronaldo won’t let either of them score.

But we will admit that Ronaldo’s relationship with his son looks a lot better than his on-the-field partnership with Gareth Bale.

We don’t reckon the Portuguese would have thrown a strop if his son would have found the target when the pair went head-to-head in a free kick competition in their Madrid back garden.

Ronaldo beat the youngster, as well as a seemingly impenetrable wall of a penguin, The Hulk and Anger from Inside Out when he dinked the ball into the inflatable goal for a rare successful free kick.