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23rd Jan 2016

Making a Murderer – Here’s why Steven Avery hasn’t spoken to the media

Paul Moore

This is very interesting.

Ever since ‘Making A Murderer’ was released on Netflix, anyone that has watched the series has been discussing every single detail surrounding Steven Avery, Brendan Dassey and the death of Teresa Halbach.

Nearly everyone involved in the documentary has spoken about the case at some point.

Prosecuting lawyer Ken Kratz recently admitted that he was a d*ck, Steven’s own mother has offered us her theory about the identity of the killer and Dean Strang/Jerry Buting are still providing hope for Avery’s acquittal.

One man that has been notable in his silence though is Avery himself but it appears that there’s a reason why this has been the case.


The Hollywood Reporter have stated that Avery is being denied permission to give any interviews by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.

Joy Staab, the P.R. representative for the prison says, “We are not facilitating interviews out of respect for the victims”.

When asked if Avery was notified when reporters have actually requested an interview with him by getting in touch with the prison authorities, Staab replied by saying “nope.”

One of Avery’s original lawyers, Jerry Buting, says that he’s “never heard that explanation given before” and according to Harvard Law School professor and retired federal judge Nancy Gertner “the prison has a right to exclude cameras from the facility, but not to deny you a visit with a prisoner (for an interview).

Steven Avery Buting

Avery is allowed to contact media outlets via the mail though and he used this method recently after he decided to send a letter to local station ‘WISN 12 News’. In the letter, Avery asked for permission to be granted an interview on camera.

Avery said that he’s willing to tell his side of the story to the TV station, but he’s not allowed to speak on camera due to the reasons stated above.