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30th Jan 2016

VIDEO: Texan Baptist preacher says he hopes God strikes Conor McGregor dead

Carl Kinsella

Baptists from America’s southern states are known for their zealous devotion to The Lord and all of his commandments.

But by the looks of things they aren’t big fans of the UFC. More specifically, they don’t seem to like Conor McGregor very much…

One preacher from the Stedfast Baptist Church has called upon God to strike Conor McGregor dead for saying he’d knock out Jesus, before going on to compare himself to the world’s most famous carpenter because “Gods recognise Gods.”

Clip via Stedfast Baptist Church

Obviously God has both clairvoyance and omnipotence on his side but McGregor has been on really good form lately. We can’t call this one.

How’s this for irony, though? Their YouTube channel has 666 subscribers. A sign from God? Definitely.

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