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25th Feb 2016

Adam Johnson’s girlfriend cries as she gives evidence in sex trial and admits the couple have broken up

Couple to "remain friends"

Mikey Stafford

Stacey Flounders broke down in the witness stand as she gave evidence in Adam Johnson’s sex trial on Thursday morning.

Johnson, 28, denies two charges of sexual activity with an underage schoolgirl but has already admitted to one charge of kissing the 15-year-old and another of grooming.

Today in Bradford Crown Court Flounders, the mother of Johnson’s one-year-old daughter, admitted their relationship has ended in the wake of his arrest.

“We’re just going to remain friends,” she told the court.

When asked by Johnson’s barrister Orlando Pownall QC if she could see herself getting back together with the sacked Sunderland footballer she said no.

“Do you mean now? Not at the minute, I don’t. No.”

Flounders told the court that she recognised the 15-year-old’s name when Johnson told her the details of his arrest as the pair had been in contact on Twitter.

“I didn’t know her name at first but after a while she would contact me on Twitter,” she said.

“When he said her name I recognised her from when she was contacting me on Twitter so It just popped into my head to ask.”

Following his arrest Flounders said Johnson admitted everything to his girlfriend of five years.

“I wanted to know what was going on, what had happened, Adam was in shock,” she said.

“I asked him to just tell me everything with me being paranoid. I wanted to know everything and he told me, he was very honest,” she said.

Mr Pownall asked: “At that time you remained with him, why?”

She said: “He was honest with me, I knew he was willing to do that. We just had a daughter I wanted to be a family.”


Adam Johnson