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25th Feb 2016

Dana White doesn’t agree with Nate Diaz’s theory that Conor McGregor is on steroids

"If you are cheating, you get caught."

Darragh Murphy

That was a first.

Conor McGregor has been called a lot of things throughout his meteoric rise through the UFC ranks but “PED user” wasn’t one.

That changed at Wednesday night’s UFC 196 press conference when Nate Diaz firmly accused ‘The Notorious’ of using steroids.

“Everybody’s on steroids,” Diaz said. “The whole UFC, everybody.”

That was before the Stockton fighter outright dropped McGregor’s name in the discussion by saying “And you and dos Anjos!”

The claim prompted a quick response from UFC president Dana White who wasn’t in attendance at the press conference but wanted to rubbish the allegation.

“The UFC unquestionably has the best drug testing program in all of sports,” White told TMZ Sports. “All done by the United States Anti-Doping Association.

“If you are cheating, you get caught.”

While the claim may not be true, the degree to which it got under McGregor’s skin leads us to believe that this is a line that Diaz is going to roll out more than once before fight night.